Leaflet giving performance specifications for the Heavy Duty LXB 150 and the Light Duty LXB 175 engines.

Leaflet - 'Gardner Marine Propulsion Engines - LXB range'

Leaflet giving performance specifications for the Heavy Duty LXB 150 and the Light Duty LXB 175 Reman engines.

Leaflet - 'Gardner Marine Propulsion Engines - LXB Reman range'

A letter dated 13/3/1996 from DG Houghton to Alan Hilton referring to a 'dental engine' made by Gardners in 1891. Attached is a costing sheet giving the breakdown of its cost, also that of a 'hospital Morrison chair', and a colour photo of the dental engine.

Letter, costing sheet and photo referring to a 'dental engine'

Leaflet giving performance specifications for the Heavy Duty LG400H and the Medium Duty LG420M engines.

Leaflet - 'Gardner Marine Propulsion Engines - LG range'

Leaflet giving description and technical specification of the 6LXB and 6HLXB engines.

Leaflet - 'Gardner 6LXB & 6HLXB Automotive Engines'

Photocopy of an extensive article in 'Stationary Engine' magazine spread over two months chronicling the history of the Gardner company from its earliest days in 1868 [later month(s) missing].

Magazine extract - 'The Gardner Story'

2 page leaflet giving technical specs for the LG200H (heavy duty) and LG225M (medium duty) marine propulsion engines. Bulletin No. 3377536.

Leaflet - 'Marine Propulsion Engines - Performance Data and General Specification'

5 pages of photocopied handwritten notes by an unidentified author ['Dion'?] containing a history of Gardner engines.

Loose leaf sheets - untitled

Organisation chart for an unidentified business unit.

Single sheet - untitled

Several pages listing prices for various engines and engine parts.

Printed list - 'Revised remanufactured engine price list'

A large booklet giving common terms, descriptions and specifications for various oils used used as lubricants and fuels.

Booklet - 'Lubrizol - Ready Reference for Lubricant and Fuel Performance'

Poster advertising the 1997 engine rally held at Astley Green Colliery Museum.

Poster - 'Gardner 1997 Engine Rally'

1 bundle

Photographs of the North East Conference

1 item

Boarding Card for the Hull-Rotterdam Ferry

1 Memorandum of Association of the Association of Independent Railways and Preservation Societies. The Memorandum was prepared during the Association's formation and registration process as a limited liability company.

Memorandum of Association

11 mins 35 seconds video on 1 VHS cassette

Film - Safe Journey! A Report on the Proposed Riverside Guided-Bus System

11 mins video on 1 VHS cassette

Footage of the building of London Underground 1996 stock on Metro-Cammell workshops

10 mins 25 seconds video on 1 VHS cassette

Film - Working Together

1 bundle

Interview and correspondence regarding the "The Autobiography of British Cinema"


Genetics news 24 - News segment on protestors and the need for a public debate on the use and research of genetically modified crops involving a short interview with Derek Burke

3 items

Correspondence regarding genetic engineering debate held by Horticultural Research International

1 item

Department of Trade and Industry "Foresight for agriculture, horticulture and forestry - crop production"

2 files

Collection of correspondence to and from Burke

1 item

Environment foundation consultation at St. George's House correspondence and notes

1 item

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food report "Organic farming and gene transfer from genetically modified crops"

1 item

National Farmers Union "GMO questions and answers"

8 pages

City News Issue 84

1 item

Food Future "Consumers and biotechnology"

1 item

"Genetically modified foods: a flavour of the current issues - feedback from the Food Future question time debates" Pamphlets

1 cassette

BBC R5, BBC R4 and Farming Today

1 item

Proactive approaches to commercialising GMOs conference papers

1 item

Programme for 'Families Day'

1 drawing

National Railway Museum corporate drawing titled: Buildings and Estates: Structural calculations in respect of checking stability of existing mural panels at South Yard

1 folder

Folder of material relating to the Queen's Award

8 pages

City News Issue 68

1 folder

Business and Budget Presentation delivered by J.W. Leng

1 folder

Press cuttings: January 1995 - August 1995

1 folder

Envelope of material relating to the Hot Bird 2 launch party

1 item

"Food Ethics Council" Pamphlet

1 item

"Agricultural biotechnology and the environment science, policy and social issues"

1 item

Outlook on Agriculture vol 27 no 1

1 item

"Global status of transgenic crops"

1 item

"Genetic engineering – too good to go wrong?" plus papers

1 item

Institute of Grocery Distribution "Communication and labelling guidelines for genetically modified crops"

1 item

"What lessons can we learn from the Swiss referendum on biotechnology?" Bio-Link

1 folder

Folder of material relating to the Ariane 5 launch party

1 item

"GM agriculture in the UK?"

8 pages

City News Issue 80

1 item

The Royal Society reports


Fax message from Scottish Crop Research Institute to Professor Michael Wilson concerning review of safety issues relating to GM foods